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Top 10 strongest fairy type Pokemon

 Fairy type is a strongest Pokemon. Fairy type Pokemon is not many Pokemon. Fairy type Pokemon are most cute and beautiful. Most of the Pokemon likes fairy type Pokemon.

Dissimilar to a portion of the more normal sorts like fire, water and psychic, there truly aren't such a large number of extraordinary pixie type Pokemon to browse in Pokemon GO. There are scarcely any unadulterated pixie types in the game, indeed, that a significant number of the most practical pixie type assailants are really double sort Pokemon with pixie as their optional composing. This isn't to imply that that they can't in any case take care of business, notwithstanding. Those hoping to construct a reasonable group or counter an inconvenient Pokemon in an especially interesting assault or exercise center fight will eventually end up needing a solid pixie type Pokemon. Obviously, they may simply be searching for a solid crossover assailant that is equipped for covering various components. Regardless, these Pokemon are among the best pixie type Pokemon in Pokemon GO and would make a strong expansion to any group. 

Pixie type Pokemon have gained notoriety for being both charming and destructive, so here are the best 10 best and most grounded ones that you want to bring home that triumph across games like Pokemon Go, Diamond and Pearl, or Sword and Shield. They may not be just about as normal as Water, Psychic, and Fire-types inside the establishment, and they may not be too adjusted as Normal-types, yet it's most certainly worth your time searching out a solid arrangement of Fairy-type Pokemon as they can be an incredible resource. Maybe above all, these are notable Dragon executioners. Before they were presented in Gen VI, Dragon-types were broadly viewed as the most impressive – yet weakness to Fairy Pokemon places a wrinkle in their protective layer. 

10. Clefable 

Filling in as one of the absolute first unadulterated pixie type Pokemon to be added into Pokemon GO, Clefable remaining parts a practical choice for those hoping to consolidate a pixie type into their group. Its complete harm yield is fair and is upheld by a similarly amazing DPS figure when outfitted with Charm and Dazzling Gleam. However Clefable's Attack and Defense details are not much, its high endurance permits it to dole out harm significantly quicker than a portion of its friends. Those hoping to make the Pokemon somewhat more flexible might need to consider showing it Pound or Charge Beam rather than Charm, albeit every one of the three blends have their employments. 

9. Alolan Ninetales 

Alolan Ninetails' best application is as an ice-type aggressor, its auxiliary composing implies that it can likewise fill in as a strong pixie type assailant when required. It can even function as a half and half aggressor when it's all said and done, with Charm and Weather Ball giving strong choices to pixie and ice-type assaults individually. Its Attack and Stamina details aren't too great, yet are even above and beyond while assaulting against shortcoming. It's additionally extraordinarily tough, giving players somewhat more an ideal opportunity to react to counters than they'd have with a portion of the other pixie types in the game. This looks good, as its double composing implies that it has a couple of extra shortcomings, accordingly improving its probability being countered. 

8. Granbull 

Granbull is one of not very many pixie types that can't get the hang of Dazzling Gleam, with the Pokemon rather depending on Play Rough as its best pixie type charge move. Its complete harm yield is a little deficient with regards to when contrasted with a portion of the other large hitters, however its DPS more than compensates for this, with just a little small bunch of pixie types gloating more. The unadulterated pixie type Pokemon has strong Attack and Stamina details and its generally low max cp makes it simple to even out it up. It has a somewhat glaring Achilles' heel, nonetheless, with its low protection making it undeniably more helpless than the greater part of its kindred pixie types. Giving it can take care of business rapidly however, this shouldn't be a lot of an issue. 

7. Sylveon 

To the extent appearances go, the pink-and-white Sylveon is the cutest Fairy-type going. Being an advancement of Eevee, it was continually going to turn into a fan top pick – but on the other hand it's demonstrated its capacity on the front line. Sylveon's capacity Pixilate helps any Normal-type move by 20% and transforms it into a Fairy-type assault, which means an amazing move like Hyper Beam with its 150 base power can be supported by 20% and given same-type assault reward (STAB). 

6. Gardevoir 

Gardevoir is by a wide margin the best pixie type in Pokemon GO, thanks not exclusively to its immense harm potential, yet additionally its double composing. Without a doubt, its all out harm yield is a little lower than a portion of the game's other pixie types, yet its DPS is top notch and gives it an agreeable lead over its opponents. With Charm and Dazzling Gleam, Gardevoir can dole out some noteworthy harm, while its admittance to clairvoyant sort moves permits it to cover various situations in the group if necessary. It's at its most destructive when the climate is breezy or shady, further solidifying its status as the best pixie type Pokemon in Pokemon GO. 

5. Magearna 

The champion element of Magearna is that it's the intensely pursued double Fairy/Steel-type, providing it with a unimaginable measure of type protections and delivering it insusceptible to both Poison and Dragon-type assaults. With regards to details, this Pokemon dominates explicitly in Special Attack, where it has an incredible 130 base detail. Couple this with the capacity Soul-Heart, which raises Magearna's Special Attack each time a Pokemon swoons, and it's brutal. Magearna approaches a wide scope of move types, so a blend like Shift Gear, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, and Focus Blast will make it an amazing assailant against a tremendous scope of adversaries. With 115 base details in both Defense and Special Defense, it can take any harm that figures out how to overcome. 

4. Tapu Fini 

At the point when Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared, it presented the Guardian Deities, four Fairy-type Legendaries that each have their own optional sort. They're all incredible decisions, yet we feel that the Fairy/Water-type Tapu Fini is the champion, particularly in case you're searching for a protective 'mon. Tapu Fini has the most noteworthy Defense base detail (115) and Special Defense base detail (130) of every one of the four of the Guardian Deities, while its composing passes on it invulnerable to Dragon-type moves and impervious to normal Fire, Fighting, Bug, Dark, Ice, and Water-type moves, making it one of the most outstanding cumbersome Pokemon around. Admittance to Calm Mind helps increment its Special Attack and Special Defense, while its capacity Misty Surge shields Tapu Fini from status conditions and parts harm from Dragon-type moves, satisfying the Fairy-type notoriety of being Dragon slayers. 

3. Diancie 

Gen VI's Mythical animal Diancie is one of the most grounded Fairy-type Pokemon in the series, falling just behind Xerneas and Zacian with regards to add up to base details, where it piles up an aggregate of 600. It has the most noteworthy Defense base detail of any Fairy-type (150) and a coordinating with Special Defense base detail, while its Attack and Special Attack base details both sit pretty at 100. This implies it's adaptable and can either be utilized as a divider or as a big shot. 

2. Xerneas 

Xerneas so unique is its unmistakable move Geomancy, which raises the client's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by two phases. While it takes two goes to charge, in case Xerneas is holding the Power Herb, it can pull off the move in only one turn. Considering its base Special Attack is now extremely high at 131, and that it has a wide pool of moves that can exploit this  Moonblast and Focus Blast, it's no big surprise why numerous coaches believed Xerneas to be OP. As far as capacities, Xerneas has a mark capacity called Fairy Aura, which makes Fairy-type assaults considerably more grounded. Joined with STAB, this makes it an extraordinarily incredible Fairy aggressor. 

1. Zacian 

Zacian is amazing enough in its standard Hero of Many Battles structure, with an all out base detail of 670. Features incorporate an amazing 138 Speed, an incredible 130 Attack, and a strong 115 Defense. This by itself would settle on it perhaps the most ideal decision here. However, give it a Rusted Sword to hold, and it turns into the epic Fairy/Steel-type Crowned Sword Zacian, the most remarkable Fairy-type at any point to beauty the series. It has an astounding 720 base detail, putting it comparable to the Mythical (and Godly) Arceus. Just as supporting its base Attack to a notable 170, Zacian's capacity Intrepid Sword gives it a one-stage lift to Attack when exchanged into fight, making it a flat out machine with moves like Behemoth Blade and Close Combat.

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